Van Der Kelen Logelain - School

If you've ever considered learning how to paint Faux-Finishes and other Trompe L'oeil techniques - the old fahion-way, Institut Supérieur de Peinture Décorative Van Der Kelen Logelain is a 6 months (44 hours a week + homework) program that is extremely intense but well worth the time and money. In the traning, you will learn how paint wood graining such as Pitch pin - pitch pin moiré - peuplier - acajou du Congo - acajou lisse - acajou femelle - acajou gerbé - noyer - racine de noyer - limba - érable (jaune et gris) - loupe d'orme - orme de fil - merisier - chêne ronce - chêne cérusé - mailles de chêne - parquet de chêne - bois de rose - teck - cèdre - citronnier - ébène de Macassar - palissandre - acajou sapelli - acajou moucheté - thuya - sycomore.

Marbling imitation such as Portor - grand antique - jaune fleuri - bleu fleuri - jaune de Sienne - paonazzo - onyx jaune d'Algérie - onyx vert du Brésil - griotte d'Italié - Labrador - Sarrancolin - brèche violette - rosé du Portugal - escalette - rouge de Vérone - cipolin - blanc veiné - bleu turquin - vert antique - Languedoc - Cerfontaine - pierre de France - Comblanchien - Ste. Anne - vert campan - vert de mer - granit de Norvège - Levanto - Napoléon - Skyros - noir de Belgique.

Semi-precious Stones, Artificial moldings, Drawing lessons: the perspectives, Decorative Panels : Friezes - Classical ceilings – panoramic, Patinas, Gilding and silvering, Study of the stencil, Technology of painting, Trompe l'oeil, Advertising lettering, etc ...

The program is offered once a year.

More at

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