Let's get inspired

Sometimes its hard to get inspired, thankfully the I Love Belgium team is lucky to have informative readers. That’s how the Inspiration Pad by creative director Marc Thomasset of advertising agency TM has come our way.

Why is it that notebooks end up with curly drawings, sketches and other randomness in the corners…because they’re dull. If a notebook is meant to be an empowering document, then the generic college-ruled spacing ruins it all. For those who want the fine balance between lines and freedom, there’s Marc Thomasset.

The Inspiration pad reinvents the age old sketch pad notebook by small modifications. A variety of angles, curves, and perspective lines open up a whole new world. That’s why this pad is an excellent tool for laying down the foundation of inspired sketches.

In Belgium you can find the Inspiration Pad at the Bozar Shop and Cook & Book. For those abroad: the TM online shop will let you buy 24/24.

This post via http://www.ilovebelgium.be/

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